Tuesday, June 17, 2008


As the book has mentioned the environment for business has changed. Employees want more from their job now compared to before. Therefore, employees need to know more information. Strong internal communication is a crucial role in overall success. Internal communication (I.C) points to those “Authorized” means of communication within an organization, to mention few, internal newsletters and notice boards. Internal communication refers to interactions within among employees within an organization. Organizations must keep in mind the long-term objectives of internal communication and needs to focus on the same, identify the values of your organization, define the objectives for internal communication strategy, use the most wide-ranging and pervasive methods and be reliable in delivering message. Internal communications is an essential role in today's workplace. At one time companies didn't put a lot of value in communication. Now companies are starting to realize how much communication influences their work place. A communication audit is the best way to assess the effectiveness of a company’s internal communication. Studies show that management must provide information to employees and listen to them because it favors employees’ connection with the company’s vision and they are more willing to accept changes. Both corporate communication and the human resources departments in large corporations have someone in charge of internal communication. Some companies integrate its public relations and internal communication functions to keep messaging consistent across all the audiences. Having a two-way communication strategy is an important asset to a well-run company. People want to be able to share concerns and thoughts with management and know that management will act upon it.
Corporations should communicate strategically to create a workforce that understands the mission, goals, values and procedures of the organization, Internal communication plays an important role in the success of an organization, it’s considered more important than external communication. Strong internal communication is a crucial role in overall success.

Internal communication process consists of,
1. Developing a strategy.

2. Monitoring and evaluating the organization’s progress.

3. Taking a close look at organization includes what are the organization’s mission, goal and values.

4. What is its structure, what are the characteristics, what the communication tools are and why internal communication is needed?

Internal communication Strategies involves,
Determining goal
Defining objectives,
Identifying key messages
Defining audience
Identifying tools and tactics
Developing an implementation plan and finalizing a strategy.

Personal experience: The internal communication in PES is very poor. Being a student of PES for almost an year i could not or was not able to communicate with the top management about the difficulties that we as students face in term of easy access to internet, print out facilities and my other small but important issues.

References: http://performance-appraisals.org/Bacalsappraisalarticles/articles/comstrat.htm http://www.blogger.com/•%20http://performance-appraisals.org/Bacalsappraisalarticles/articles/comstrat.htm%20•%20http://www.keeneypr.com/en/art/?3 http://www.teamholiday.co.uk/articles/internal-communication-corporate- events-%E2%80%93-a-way-to-retain-your-employees-181.html http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?

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